Well I had an eventful night/morning just over 24 hrs ago..I awoke to sharp pain in my
chest..well really it was at the top of my stomach right through to my back..I thought
it was stomach cramps due to food poisoning because I also felt quite nauseous.. M was
thinking of heart attack.. after 10 mins it was getting worse and I was having trouble
breathing..think I was actually just panicking..so M called the ambulance at 2:30am
I told him not too.."what if it goes away shortly?, I'll look really silly calling them out"..
But it didn't relent..and they arrived in about half and hour..after several Qs and some
tests their diagnosis was gallstone attack... aaah so this is what it's like!... then the
morphine in a drip was a huge relief!! This was followed by my first trip in an ambulance
and nearly 5 hrs of tests and rest in hospital and the doctor's advice that I will need to have
my gall bladder removed.. so even though it won't be fun I would not like to have a repeat
of Thursday night..so will be getting it done as soon as I can...hopefully next month!
The above is one of 2 rock sculptures M made for the garden..this one is developing a
lovely aged green look after 4 years or so.. He was inspired to make them after we
did the 'Sculptures by the Sea' walk a few years back.. I love them and hope that when
other projects get finished he will spend more time making things around the place...
chest..well really it was at the top of my stomach right through to my back..I thought
it was stomach cramps due to food poisoning because I also felt quite nauseous.. M was
thinking of heart attack.. after 10 mins it was getting worse and I was having trouble
breathing..think I was actually just panicking..so M called the ambulance at 2:30am
I told him not too.."what if it goes away shortly?, I'll look really silly calling them out"..
But it didn't relent..and they arrived in about half and hour..after several Qs and some
tests their diagnosis was gallstone attack... aaah so this is what it's like!... then the
morphine in a drip was a huge relief!! This was followed by my first trip in an ambulance
and nearly 5 hrs of tests and rest in hospital and the doctor's advice that I will need to have
my gall bladder removed.. so even though it won't be fun I would not like to have a repeat
of Thursday night..so will be getting it done as soon as I can...hopefully next month!
The above is one of 2 rock sculptures M made for the garden..this one is developing a
lovely aged green look after 4 years or so.. He was inspired to make them after we
did the 'Sculptures by the Sea' walk a few years back.. I love them and hope that when
other projects get finished he will spend more time making things around the place...
The camellia is in full bloom now and a joy to look at..I have been attempting to catch
a pic of the olive whistler which keeps visiting the flowers..but it is too shy and flies
away the second I get close enough..hopefully later today I'll get another chance..
..and I must thank the following boggy friends for their kindness in the last fortnight:
Thank you Pat from Mille Fiori Favoriti for this cute award
(originally created by Gail using her son, Alexander's cute drawing of her)
..and Thank you Suzanne and Christy for passing on this award
..and to Beth for the Tree of Happiness award:
I've only recently discovered Beth's blog ~ Cloth and Fodder but have really enjoyed
her posts ~ so many delicious things to see..she made the most gorgeous octopus
cake (among other yummies) and has an interest in carniverous plants.. :D
The award requires me to list 6 things that make me happy right now:
#1 Watching the Olympic Games Opening Ceremy and Jemma's excitement
at seeing so many countries represented and of course watching her
favourite sport of all - Gymnastics (probably my fave too)
#2 Watching and listening the native birds through the window..spring
seems to already be here for them..
#3 The yummy aroma of chocolate cake baking in the oven made by
Rhiannon and her friend Ella
#4 The sun and warmth streaming through the windows at the moment
#5 The strong coffee I'm sipping right now
#6 That I'm all ready for Shadow Shot Sunday given tomorrow's forecast
for bad weather..I have my shot ready to post :D
I would love to know what these bloggy girls are happy about:
Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti, Tracy @ Hey Harriet, Christy @ Sweet Tidings,
M.Kate @ La Vie Est Belle, Sandra @ Bubble Babble and Karin @ Ute och Inne
Many of you will have already seen this clip on YouTube..it has had a lot of
hype recently..but just in case you haven't seen it..you MUST and it wouldn't
hurt you to have a box on tissues on standby!! Thank you Sandra for sharing! :D
LAST but not least I was recently blown away by the amazing dragonfly pics
that Kitt and Fishing Guy managed to catch..I'm sure you'll be impressed too..
Hello Gina
Firstly, that was a real scare!! I am just a lazzzy exerciser and whenever I get any pain or down with sickness, I promised to eat healthy and exercise more...so far, not working. AND, I am glad you are fine and it was no heart attack, phew!!
Very interesting rock sculptures :D I was looking for something similar here for my 'future' japanese garden (so far, not so happening yet). You hubby sure is talented. And those camelias..I could almost smell it here..
Thanks dear for the award..you are so sweet..I'll write about what makes me happy in the next post..and the Olympics opening yesterday was really spectacular!! Chocolate cake..woo..love it, who cares if it stays in my thigh right? I've the sun streaming down my kitchen too but need to close the windows..it's burning!!
Looking forward to your SSS, kiss the girls for me and happy weekend :D
Posted by: M.Kate | 09 August 2008 at 02:44 PM
Hi Gina,
I'm wishing you good thoughts for your good health & well being!I'll be including you in my prayers for your upcoming gallbladder removal. Take good care! ((hugs))
I'll be making my 6 things that make me happy list and I'll be posting as soon as i can. Thank you very much for your sweet award & the you tube link!You're so thoughtful and sweet.
Have a happy and blessed weekend! :)
Posted by: Christy | 09 August 2008 at 03:25 PM
Scary episode! Glad that it is not one of the more nasty nasties - that is not to say that what you experienced was not nasty but good that it was not what M thought! The sculpture looks just right in your garden. Best wishes for the surgery when it happens.
Posted by: crafty things | 09 August 2008 at 05:08 PM
Oh Gina, I'm so sorry about your awful experience the other night. Very scary! Hubby did the right thing insisting on calling the Ambos. Should always take things like that seriously, and even if it turns out to not be a problem the Ambos don't mind coming around anyway. Just to be sure! They're a good bunch! Gall Bladder? Eeek! At least it's something that can be resolved so you'll not have to go through that again. Poor thing!
I love those garden sculptures! You're lucky to have such a handy & arty hubby!
Thanks for the award! It will take this moanin' winter cranky-pants at least a week to think of 6 happy thoughts ;) I'll aim to be happy for next SSS post. The SSS post for this week, I've started drafting & it's quite long-winded as it is so I'll save my happy thoughts for next Sunday. Thanks so much & congrats on all your well deserved awards. See you tomorrow! xo
Posted by: Tracy | 09 August 2008 at 07:08 PM
I hope you get your gall bladder sorted out Gina! I also hope that you don't have another attack! On a lighter note the rock sculpture is beautiful. Take care.
Posted by: simone | 09 August 2008 at 08:11 PM
Hi Gina
I have been in the same boat as you! A series of gall bladder attacks while pregnant with our youngest. SO painful and it seems to come a couple of hours after eating so you do not really put 2 and 2 together...I had it taken out after our little one was born. During labor my husband said to me as I was sweating and panting, "OK, what's more painful-labor or gallbladder attacks??" And I said, "Gallbladder!"
True, right??
Feel well! Stay away from ice cream and lettuce! (two major culprits!)
Posted by: Tara | 09 August 2008 at 09:44 PM
Hi, Gina - sympathy from San Francisco for you and your nasty gall bladder! I had that surgery years ago and I don't miss the little stinker at all!
Posted by: Zoomie | 10 August 2008 at 01:58 AM
Oh Gina! I'm so sorry to hear you had a gallbladder attack! I know how painful they are. You did the right thing by going to the hospital as one should never second guess chest pain of any kind.
I'm glad you like the award I passed on and I thank you for yours! I will list my 6 happiness things a soon as I can. I love yours...the olympics are so much fun to watch, aren't they?
I love the stone carin M made and your flowers! Glad to hear spring is arriving at your door.
Off to watch the Youtube video you recommend...
Rest and take care of yourself!
Hugs, Pat
Posted by: Pat in NY | 10 August 2008 at 03:12 AM
Hi Gina! Your gall bladder attack was just like mine. I felt like I was having a heart attack. It happened in the late 90's and I was at my daughter's school helping out. Next thing I knew I had the most awful pain in my chest and back right up under my shoulder bone. I barely was able to drive myself home and when I got home I called my husband and we went to the emergency room. They operated within that week, the whole time I was praying that I wouldn't have another attack. I didn't and everything turned out okay. So bless your heart, I know what you're going through right now!
Love your rock sculpture and camellia, two beautiful pictures!
Congratulations on all your awards and thank you so much for the Tree of Happiness award! I don't believe I've run across that one before, I'll post it this Monday. And I really love your #6, can't wait to see it!
Hugs to you Gina and I hope everything turns out okay for you! :)
Posted by: Sandra Ree | 10 August 2008 at 03:16 AM
Hello Gina.
Congratulations on the award. Sorry to hear about you gall bladder, hope it goes well(freaky I have just had a little problem here with mine this week been inflamed).
Loved reading your answers and we loved the opening ceremony. Brooke is excited at the gymnastics and basketball, having only just giving up gymnastics due to back injury. Daria Joura is a Perth gymnast and we have watched her perform on many occasions so waiting impatiently for gymnastics too. Happy Sunday to your family.
Posted by: Suzanne | 10 August 2008 at 11:50 AM
Award winner!! A great achievement Gina - the garden also looks great, I love the rock sculpture and your so lucky to have a camelia out in flower, mine is dreadfully slow flowering. Lets hope the pain stays away until you can get into a surgeon. : )
Posted by: Beth Russell | 10 August 2008 at 03:45 PM
Gosh Gina what a fright you and your family have had. I hate to think of you in such terrible pain.
Just love the garden sculpture, congrats for the awards.
Take good care sweetie, try not to worry (easy for me to say), much love, Clare
Posted by: Clare | 10 August 2008 at 07:57 PM
Gina: You have a great blog and deserve the awards. Your blog makes me smile.
Thanks so much for the mention of my dragonflies, I have to say this I was dragonflying (if that's a word)again today and shot a red one. I hope so much it's good. We will see later on today.
Posted by: Fishing Guy | 11 August 2008 at 04:52 AM